The 449.725 and 52.42 receivers located at the W8TVC repeater site in Long Lake Township (3/4 mile south of Moomers and co-located with the 145.27 repeater) have finally been installed and made operational.
There may still be some tweaking to optimize their performance, but they appear to be doing what remote voting receivers do--- fill in holes in the receive coverage of the repeater.
Comments relating to whether they are voting for the best signal in an unbiased manner are welcome, as it is possible for the voting system to vote for the worse receiver when the adjustments are not quite optimized.
Should you find that the 449.725 voting system is voting improperly, you can force reception from the main repeater receiver by using a 151.4 hz PL tone rather than the normal 114.8 hz tone. The main receiver at the Glen-Arbor/Empire site has a second PL deccoder for the 151.4 hz frequency, which the receiver at the W8TVC location does not have such a decoder (just 114.8 hz).
The bi-directional link to the 145.27 repeater is not installed yet and due to be operational within the next few weeks.
The synthesized 2m remote base is functional in 'memory mode' only. VFO mode will be somewhat delayed as software problems need to be overcome. The current selection of channels in memory is changeable should different frequencies be desired, please let kf8kk know your thoughts on the frequencies in memory.
Sadly, there appears to be some interference to the main 449.725 receiver when the 220 link to the WB8DEL repeater in Stutsmanville is enabled. This interference manifests itself as desense on 449.725 and will cause the 220 link transmitter to pulsate when a signal is received on 449.725 unless the 449.725 signal is quite strong. With the addition of the remote voting receiver, this interference may not always be problematic (but that depends on your location). This appears to have started recently and may be related to the move in frequency of the WB8DEL repeater. Troubleshooting and repairs will happen soon. In the interim, please use the 220 link only when either within range of the receiver at the W8TVC site, or via six meters.
Finally, this blog has been created in order to notify interested repeater users of updates and changes to the repeater system. It will also be used to let people know of planned maintenance and other events that might effect the use of the repeater. For those with the capability, an RSS feed will be available shortly.
73 John kf8kk